Thomas Deane was the Overall Male Winner (age 16) with a time of 20:12; Russell Keaton 21:48 -1st AG (39) ; Mamoun Alitarawneh 22:16 -1st AG (44); Ron Crosby 23:04 - 1st AG (60); Cheryl Monroe 23:54 - Overall Female Winner; Robin Smith 25:04 - Masters; Sydney Alitarawneh 26:17 - 1st AG (11); Phyllis Cochran 35:34 - 1st AG (52). A LARGE trophy was also awarded to the Okefenokee Track Club for the most participants in a group. Oh yea - some of the winners also won a turkey!
Pic 1: OTC Trophy; Pic 2: Thomas Deane Overall Winner