I just finished the SilverMan half and am proud that I did. IM glad I didn't sign up for the full SMan. I rode 111 miles of the course 4 weeks before the event and based my expectations on that. I was very far off my expected finish time. Please don't ask.
If you've never been to the Lake Mead Nat Recreation area and are racing ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... you need to. It is one of the hilliest and the hardest courses I've done both bike and run. Non stop hills.
The swim in Lake Las Vegas. 70 degree water temp. I love mass starts. In the water start. Somewhat narrow lane out and back staying to the left. Only issue is that the 100 ydish wide lane is a little crowded unlike lake/ocean swims.
T1... you run/walk your bike UP a steep hill to the mount line.
Bike out... about 5 miles uphill at varying grades and then nonstop long, rolling hills through the desert. Beautiful!
A few 7% climbs and 3 short, back to back 20% climbs 15-20 miles from the finish. Did I mention wind? Out and back on Lake Shore Dr then out and back on North Shore Dr. Next is the River Loop Trail and after some mean a$$ short hills called the 3 Witches with a B onto an 8 mileish, straight away at around 1-2%. Deceptive course as there are no trees or references. After the trail... rolling with a long downhill in Henderson. Last couple of miles into T2 is uphill... again. I did pass numerous riders with one sitting by the side of the road with their head in their hands appearing demoralized. I did spin slowly up the 3 Sisters, Witches, whatevers passing several walkers which was a confidence boost. But I knew they were there having ridden them prior. My avg speed hurt my feelings but I did have a 42.8 max if that gives you an idea of the intensity of the course. Long, rolling hills allow you to see for miles ahead.
T2... Henderson Multigenerational Center. Beautiful complex.
The run... 1st couple of miles is mildly downhill and feeling good. The you turn a corner and go uphill 1-2 miles. Repeat this to the finish line at the Multigenerational center. Finishers T, medal waiting for you. Greeted at the finish by Frank Lowery, RD. Yay!
Super aid stations, volunteers, support and finish. They didn't run out of anything! This event is equal to or much better than any of the WTC/Ironman events I have done. Swag is excellent. Silverman NICE backpack, water bottle, visor (stuff you have to pay for at other events).
So... if you're going to ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... Ride/run all the hills you can... As much as you can... In the wind. Carpe Diem.
If you've never been to the Lake Mead Nat Recreation area and are racing ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... you need to. It is one of the hilliest and the hardest courses I've done both bike and run. Non stop hills.
The swim in Lake Las Vegas. 70 degree water temp. I love mass starts. In the water start. Somewhat narrow lane out and back staying to the left. Only issue is that the 100 ydish wide lane is a little crowded unlike lake/ocean swims.
T1... you run/walk your bike UP a steep hill to the mount line.
Bike out... about 5 miles uphill at varying grades and then nonstop long, rolling hills through the desert. Beautiful!
A few 7% climbs and 3 short, back to back 20% climbs 15-20 miles from the finish. Did I mention wind? Out and back on Lake Shore Dr then out and back on North Shore Dr. Next is the River Loop Trail and after some mean a$$ short hills called the 3 Witches with a B onto an 8 mileish, straight away at around 1-2%. Deceptive course as there are no trees or references. After the trail... rolling with a long downhill in Henderson. Last couple of miles into T2 is uphill... again. I did pass numerous riders with one sitting by the side of the road with their head in their hands appearing demoralized. I did spin slowly up the 3 Sisters, Witches, whatevers passing several walkers which was a confidence boost. But I knew they were there having ridden them prior. My avg speed hurt my feelings but I did have a 42.8 max if that gives you an idea of the intensity of the course. Long, rolling hills allow you to see for miles ahead.
T2... Henderson Multigenerational Center. Beautiful complex.
The run... 1st couple of miles is mildly downhill and feeling good. The you turn a corner and go uphill 1-2 miles. Repeat this to the finish line at the Multigenerational center. Finishers T, medal waiting for you. Greeted at the finish by Frank Lowery, RD. Yay!
Super aid stations, volunteers, support and finish. They didn't run out of anything! This event is equal to or much better than any of the WTC/Ironman events I have done. Swag is excellent. Silverman NICE backpack, water bottle, visor (stuff you have to pay for at other events).
So... if you're going to ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... Ride/run all the hills you can... As much as you can... In the wind. Carpe Diem.