34th annual Okefenokee Swamp Run 10K & 1 Mile Fun Run
The Okefenokee Swamp Run moved back to its original location at the Okefenokee Swamp Park on Saturday, March, 26, 2011. The 10K boasted a field of 116 runners and 133 participated in the 1 mile fun run. Daniel Broadhead from Jesup was overall winner, breaking his personal record with a time of 35:44. The overall female winner was Allison Herrin of Patterson, finishing with a time of 46:42. Winners in the 1 mile were Quashawn Conaway as overall male and Kimberly Gray as overall female. Daniel Broadhead 35:44:00 M 16 Overall Male Winner Bill Beaumont 41:04:00 M 54 Grand Master Male Winner Randy Arend 42:10:00 M 50 1st age group Brian Herrin 44:04:00 M 35 1st age group Charlie Moore 44:31:00 M 37 2nd age group Juan Saucedo 44:55:00 M 28 1st age group Barry Barnes 46:04:00 M 34 1st age group Kevin Wellington 46:33:00 M 39 3rd age group Allison Herrin 46:42:00 F 34 Overall Female Winner Shawn Howell 47:05:00 M 39 4h age group Steve O'Brien 47:34:00 M 56 1st age group Derek Lee 47:54:00 M 38 5th age group Wayne Spearman 48:46:00 M 52 2nd age group Ron Crosby 49:13:00 M 62 Great Grand Masters Male Winner Thomas Deane 49:57:00 M 19 1st age group Kevin Barnes 50:09:00 M 41 Masters Male Winner Lauren Butler 50:42:00 M 41 1st age group Vince Marchionna 50:54:00 M 69 1st age group Ben McQuaig 50:58:00 M 41 2nd age group Cory Bennett 51:04:00 M 41 3rd age group Cheryl Monroe 51:28:00 F 53 Grand Master Female Winner Logan Oberlin 51:36:00 M 16 2nd age group Jim Tucker 51:55:00 M 40 4th age group Randy Milton 52:01:00 M 42 5th age group Chad Hendley 52:32:00 M 40 Kevin Moore 52:35:00 M 43 Brian Blue 52:47:00 M 68 2nd age group Keith Hendry 52:52:00 M 37 Hope Lejeune 52:57:00 F 41 Masters Female Winner Judah Hodges 53:01:00 M 11 1st age group Matthew Carter 53:02:00 M 14 2nd age group Kim James 53:10:00 F 36 1st age group Cory Wheeler 53:11:00 M 49 1st age group Orrie McCrea 53:20:00 M 49 2nd age group John Trower 53:28:00 F 44 Amanda Allison 53:34:00 F 28 1st age group Heidi Meeks 53:35:00 F 32 1st age group Jay Jones 53:36:00 M 43 Mary Woodruff 54:05:00 F 60 Great Grand Masters Female Winner Ken Makek 54:28:00 M 44 Andrew Harrold 54:29:00 M 44 Joey Bullard 54:53:00 M 23 1st age group William Stowe 54:58:00 M 39 Doug Vinson 55:22:00 M 60 2nd age group Jayson Davis 55:24:00 M 27 3rd age group Lealane Sanders 55:43:00 F 33 2nd age group Hosanna Hodges 55:51:00 F 19 1st age group Christy Howell 55:54:00 F 37 2nd age group Gina Howell 55:55:00 F 34 3rd age group Clay Parker 55:57:00 M 13 3rd age group Olivia Hopkins 56:11:00 F 41 1st age group Kevin Thomas 56:18:00 M 41 Don Varnadore 56:41:00 M 56 2nd age group Mike Porter 56:45:00 M 61 3rd age group Alina Shaw 56:57:00 F 28 2nd age group Jesse Shaw 56:58:00 M 36 Clayton Kurtz 56:59:00 M 15 3rd age group Maggie Evans 57:08:00 F 31 4th age group Reuben Flanders 57:46:00 M 52 3rd age group Andrea Ward 57:51:00 M 31 5th age group Destinee Cason 57:54:00 F 17 2nd age group Lamar Dickens 58:01:00 M 73 1st age group Abby Parker 58:08:00 F 15 3rd age group Melissa Herndon 59:19:00 F 26 3rd age group Trish Snyder 59:26:00 F 51 1st age group Tim Kirkland 59:27:00 M 56 3rd age group Jim Palmer 59:32:00 M 70 2nd age group Kaitlyn Campbell 59:40:00 F 21 1st age group Lizzie Milkas 59:41:00 F 19 4th age group Don Hubbard 59:46:00 M 58 4th age group Anita Rudzinski 61:00:00 F 57 1st age group Jenna Hollingsworth 61:12:00 F 24 2nd age group Debora Passetti 61:21:00 F 56 2nd age group Harriet Knight 62:01:00 F 47 1st age group Hunter Thigpen 62:10:00 M 13 4th age group Gerry Born 62:31:00 M 47 3rd age group Harrison McQuaig 62:35:00 M 12 5th age group Joey McQuaig 62:36:00 M 42 Rodney Thrift 62:49:00 M 43 Jon Tindall 62:49:00 M 36 Bernie Powers 62:59:00 M 60 4th age group Lizzie Williams 63:16:00 F 57 3rd age group Sherrie Jacobs 63:45:00 F 40 2nd age group Ginger Herrington 64:06:00 F 34 Dee Harrold 64:19:00 F 39 3rd age group Carole Jones 64:41:00 F 51 2nd age group Josh Bullard 65:14:00 M 12 Ray Griffin 65:16:00 M 70 3rd age group Hannah Thrift 65:35:00 F 19 5th age group Wendi Lee 66:29:00 F 34 Anthony Kawiowsky 66:49:00 M 45 4th age group Ronald Knox 66:54:00 M 46 5th age group Larry Godair 67:35:00 M 64 5th age group Tonya Crosby 68:05:00 F 32 Janet Pitts 68:06:00 F 38 4th age group Paul Drawdy 68:17:00 M 45 Lamar Long 68:18:00 M 38 Eddie Day 68:33:00 M 53 4th age group Perlita Knox 68:56:00 F 41 3rd age group Roger Williams 68:57:00 M 62 Lois Thornton 69:01:00 F 43 4th age group Wendy Williford 69:29:00 F 29 4th age group Kathy Williams 71:52:00 F 61 1st age group Jane Krier 74:54:00 F 49 2nd age group William Saylor 76:21:00 M 27 4th age group Katharine Carter 77:01:00 F 11 1st age group Faveed Kudeau 78:44:00 M 59 5th age group Lisbeth Dominquez 79:31:00 F 12 2nd age group Freddy Fillington 79:50:00 M 69 3rd age group Tammy Hatton 80:44:00 F 38 5th age group Traci Newton 83:35:00 F 34 Anita Lee 83:37:00 F 39 Jean Krier 85:16:00 F 49 3rd age group Megan Rhodes 1hr.40min F 13 3rd age group Faith Harrold 1hr.40min F 10 1st age group Bailey Herrington 2hrs. F 11 4th age group Gabby Harrold 2hrs. F 18
Gate River Run 15K & 5K - March 12, 2011

Bert Campbell 1.05.12 (1)
Ben Bennett 1.06.26 (2)
Brian Herrin 1.07.22 (3)
Charlie Moore 1.07.54 (4)
Barry Barnes 1.08.03 (5)
Allison Herrin 1.10.36 (6)
Scotty Hayes 1.11.43 (7)
Tasha Musgrove 1.13.06 (8)
Tiffany Warren 1.13.07 (9)
Ron Crosby 1.13.26 (10)
Leighanne Hersey 1.13.43 (11)
Shawn Howell 1.14.32 (12)
Kevin Wellington 1.14.33 (13)
Sara Coggin 1.15.33 (14)
Greg Baker 1.15.35 (15)
Dewayne Walsh 1.15.49 (16)
Kelli Gourley 1.16.12 (17)
Cheryl Monroe 1.16.21 (18)
Kevin Barnes 1.16.28 (19)
Jennifer Smith 1.19.14 (20)
Charles Strickland 1.20.46 (21)
Chad Bowen 1.20.59 (22)
Cary Bennett 1.21.29 (23)
Keith Hendry 1.22.10 (24)
Neile Bennett 1.22.41 (25)
Mary Woodruff 1.22.48 (26)
Don Varnadore 1.22.51 (27)
Jared Harper 1.23.02 (28)
Clay Culp 1.23.20 (29)
Kevin Moore 1.23.28 (30)
Christy Howell 1.23.35 (31)
Chad Hendley 1.23.56 (32)
Chad Dill 1.24.01 (33)
Doug Vinson 1.24.03 (34)
Mike Porter 1.25.22 (35)
Gina Howell 1.26.04 (36)
Stephen James 1.28.07 (37)
Robin Smith 1.28.12 (38)
Lelane Sanders 1.28.18 (39)
Russell Keaton 1.28.49 (40)
Amanda Dryden 1.29.09 (41)
Olivia Hopkins 1.29.10 (42)
Tim Wallace 1.29.57 (43)
Russell Raulerson 1.30.56 (44)
Robert Lanier 1.35.43 (45)
Kim Gibson 1.37.00 (46)
Jill Bryant 1.37.05 (47)
Liz Williams 1.37.05 (48)
Karen Horan 1.42.00 (49)
Lynn Dudley 1.42.01 (50)
Linda Bagley 1.42.05 (51)
Kaitlyn Campbell 1.43.58 (52)
Lizzie Milkas 1.44.00 (53)
Amanda Walsh 1.45.20 (54)
Lois Thornton 1.45.41 (55)
Tracy Saussy 1.46.18 (56)
Sherrie Jacobs 1.48.28 (57)
Roger Williams 1.50.05 (58)
Jimmy Bagley 1.50.10 (59)
Jessica Moore 1.53.03 (60)
Bethany Strickland 1.54.11 (61)
Kim Lydon 1.54.12 (62)
Kathy Williams 1.54.24 (63)
Nancy Porter 1.54.51 (64)
Anna Hamilton 1.56.49 (65)
Thomas Joiner 1.57.35 (66)
Richard Sasser 1.59.15 (67)
Rachel Bryant 2.16.46 (68)
My 2010 SilverMan Race Report by Allen Smith

I just finished the SilverMan half and am proud that I did. IM glad I didn't sign up for the full SMan. I rode 111 miles of the course 4 weeks before the event and based my expectations on that. I was very far off my expected finish time. Please don't ask.
If you've never been to the Lake Mead Nat Recreation area and are racing ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... you need to. It is one of the hilliest and the hardest courses I've done both bike and run. Non stop hills.
The swim in Lake Las Vegas. 70 degree water temp. I love mass starts. In the water start. Somewhat narrow lane out and back staying to the left. Only issue is that the 100 ydish wide lane is a little crowded unlike lake/ocean swims.
T1... you run/walk your bike UP a steep hill to the mount line.
Bike out... about 5 miles uphill at varying grades and then nonstop long, rolling hills through the desert. Beautiful!
A few 7% climbs and 3 short, back to back 20% climbs 15-20 miles from the finish. Did I mention wind? Out and back on Lake Shore Dr then out and back on North Shore Dr. Next is the River Loop Trail and after some mean a$$ short hills called the 3 Witches with a B onto an 8 mileish, straight away at around 1-2%. Deceptive course as there are no trees or references. After the trail... rolling with a long downhill in Henderson. Last couple of miles into T2 is uphill... again. I did pass numerous riders with one sitting by the side of the road with their head in their hands appearing demoralized. I did spin slowly up the 3 Sisters, Witches, whatevers passing several walkers which was a confidence boost. But I knew they were there having ridden them prior. My avg speed hurt my feelings but I did have a 42.8 max if that gives you an idea of the intensity of the course. Long, rolling hills allow you to see for miles ahead.
T2... Henderson Multigenerational Center. Beautiful complex.
The run... 1st couple of miles is mildly downhill and feeling good. The you turn a corner and go uphill 1-2 miles. Repeat this to the finish line at the Multigenerational center. Finishers T, medal waiting for you. Greeted at the finish by Frank Lowery, RD. Yay!
Super aid stations, volunteers, support and finish. They didn't run out of anything! This event is equal to or much better than any of the WTC/Ironman events I have done. Swag is excellent. Silverman NICE backpack, water bottle, visor (stuff you have to pay for at other events).
So... if you're going to ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... Ride/run all the hills you can... As much as you can... In the wind. Carpe Diem.
If you've never been to the Lake Mead Nat Recreation area and are racing ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... you need to. It is one of the hilliest and the hardest courses I've done both bike and run. Non stop hills.
The swim in Lake Las Vegas. 70 degree water temp. I love mass starts. In the water start. Somewhat narrow lane out and back staying to the left. Only issue is that the 100 ydish wide lane is a little crowded unlike lake/ocean swims.
T1... you run/walk your bike UP a steep hill to the mount line.
Bike out... about 5 miles uphill at varying grades and then nonstop long, rolling hills through the desert. Beautiful!
A few 7% climbs and 3 short, back to back 20% climbs 15-20 miles from the finish. Did I mention wind? Out and back on Lake Shore Dr then out and back on North Shore Dr. Next is the River Loop Trail and after some mean a$$ short hills called the 3 Witches with a B onto an 8 mileish, straight away at around 1-2%. Deceptive course as there are no trees or references. After the trail... rolling with a long downhill in Henderson. Last couple of miles into T2 is uphill... again. I did pass numerous riders with one sitting by the side of the road with their head in their hands appearing demoralized. I did spin slowly up the 3 Sisters, Witches, whatevers passing several walkers which was a confidence boost. But I knew they were there having ridden them prior. My avg speed hurt my feelings but I did have a 42.8 max if that gives you an idea of the intensity of the course. Long, rolling hills allow you to see for miles ahead.
T2... Henderson Multigenerational Center. Beautiful complex.
The run... 1st couple of miles is mildly downhill and feeling good. The you turn a corner and go uphill 1-2 miles. Repeat this to the finish line at the Multigenerational center. Finishers T, medal waiting for you. Greeted at the finish by Frank Lowery, RD. Yay!
Super aid stations, volunteers, support and finish. They didn't run out of anything! This event is equal to or much better than any of the WTC/Ironman events I have done. Swag is excellent. Silverman NICE backpack, water bottle, visor (stuff you have to pay for at other events).
So... if you're going to ITU, IM70.3 Worlds or SilverMan... Ride/run all the hills you can... As much as you can... In the wind. Carpe Diem.
2010 CRMC Miles for Smiles 5K Run/Walk
1st Annual Dawg's Gobble Wobble 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Run

1. John Ryan Williams - 19:19
2. Katelyn Chancey - 21:08
3. Jack Teston - 23:35
4. Mitch Coley - 24:12
5. David Soper - 24:20
6. Ben McQuaig - 24:26
7. Melinda Gillis - 25:21
8. Dalton Soper - 25:22
9. Michelle Hester - 25:23
10. Ken Malek - 25:32
11. Jonathan Bagley - 26:08
12. Brooks Stewart - 26:14
13. Orrie McCree - 26:16
14. Kelly Thornton - 26:21
15. Lesley Wheeler - 26:35
16. James Strickland - 27:02
17. Mike Porter - 27:24
18. Noah Shepard - 27:42
19. Bonny Voyles - 28:55
20. Reuben Flanders - 29:19
21. Shaun Soper - 29:19
22. Lara Mercer - 29:42
23. Lisa Klindworth - 29:54
24. Melissa Oceguera - 30:06
25. Lee Baker - 30:24
26. Lauren Yarbrough - 30:45
27. Carl Hobi - 30:57
28. Kandice Hersey - 31:13
29. Dietrah Lairsey - 32:13
30. Betsy Flanders - 33:10
31. Terri Rideout - 33:20
32. Ann Chancey - 34:30
33. Anna Geiger - 34:33
34. Janet Joiner - 34:34
35. Bobby Joiner - 35:29
36. Peggy Faulk - 35:30
37. Brittney Craven - 35:34
38. Candace Smith - 35:45
39. Tabitha Mattox - 36:06
40. Johnny Williams - 36:07
41. Crystal Flomas - 35:19
42. Tracy Jones - 36:40
43. Amelia Teston - 37:42
44. Mary Beth Boner - 37:49
45. Emma Wheeler - 37:58
46. Mandy Williams - 38:56
47. Ginger Brown - 38:57
48. Cori Barclift - 39:11
49. Marcia Craven - 39:45
50. Susan Shepard - 39:55
51. Laura Blount - 40:19
52. Pamela Thomas - 40:19
53. Sara Wheeler - 41:38
54. Trey Jones - 42:20
55. Melissa Thomas - 45:58
56. Jessica Cox - 46:06
57. Viejah Mayo - 48:11
58. Juan Johnson - 48:12
59. Sene Coley - 48:32
60. Lori Taylor - 48:33
61. Lauren Kilmark - 48:33
The picture includes the two overall winners with their Turkeys, Waycross Middle staff that participated and PTA members along with various age group winners.
Another Great Accomplishment for Daniel!
Veteran's Day 5K Run - Brunswick, GA
Boston Mini Marathon - Boston, GA
35th Annual Marine Corps Marathon
Four members of the Okefenokee Track & Cycling Club traveled to Washington, D.C. on October 31, 2010, to participate in the 4th largest marathon in the U.S. and 8th in the world. With almost 30,000 runners, the 26.2 mile scenic course began at Arlington Cemetary. The uphill finish landed runners at the site of the Iwo Jima Memorial with a Marine Lieutenant placing a commemorative medal around the neck of each finisher.
Completing the marathon were Cheryl Monroe with a time of 4:11, Mary Woodruff - 4:26, Robin Smith - 4:46, and Clay Culp - 4:46. Mary ran as a fundraiser for the Semper Fi Fund.
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